Ever wondered what baseball players do when they're aren't at the baseball field? Today I'm sharing behind the scenes look into our daily life during baseball season and how Drew and I utilize the little time we have together in the morning to maintain a well-balanced relationship
Our life during baseball season is drastically different compared to our life during the off season. During the season, Drew leaves for the field around noon, and returns home around 11pm or midnight after his game. Since he rarely gets an off day during the season, we make sure to cherish the time we have together in the morning.
Like many professional athletes, Drew has a strict routine for himself and is also very into his health. He sleeps exactly 8 hours each night and eats the same breakfast every morning. Meanwhile, I'm pretty much the opposite. When Drew isn't home, I stay up fairly late (because I hate going to bed) and sleep for about 6-7 hours each night. My breakfast routine is essentially nonexistent. If we don't have fruit or eggs in the house, i'll Postmate an Acai Bowl from Jugos. If I have a morning workout class scheduled (typically when Drew is out of town), I'll grab a protein shake after class or something from Starbucks. Drew's breakfast routine consists of a breakfast sandwich from the cafe in our building on the days he doesn't pitch, and two eggs, bacon, toast and a side of fruit from Stephanie's on the days he does pitch.
After breakfast, we usually hangout with our dog, Penny, or walk around the city. We greatly enjoy exploring the different areas of Boston and checking out the various universities in the area. Getting to know the city as well as we can makes us feel more at home.
When the weather is rainy and gloomy or when we are tired from a long game the night before, we like to spend time relaxing on the couch and watching TV. Drew loves to watch scary, violent shows, and I love to watch E news. Recently, we have been watching The Voice together as a compromise until Suits comes back on.
Every day, Drew showers exactly 15 minutes before he has to leave for the field, while I usually run off to appointments and meetings, or catch up on emails and unpack from our last trip and repack for our upcoming trip which is usually just a few days away.
No matter how much I have going on after Drew leaves for the field, or how many things he has on his mind that are related to baseball, we always make sure to enjoy each other's company and be thankful for the time we have at home together.
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